Nikki Pinkney is the founder of Ezekiel Family Services located in Waldorf, Maryland. Married at the age of 21 and raising her children, she developed a love for family. Her limited knowledge about marriage and family sparked a desire in her heart to get counseling and join a wife’s support group. The interaction, support, wisdom, and growth she received through counseling and this group ignited her desire to help develop other women in marriage and family matters. This began her journey of education in Human Service Management, Marriage and Family Therapy, Spirituotherapy, and Life Coaching. In her quiet time with God, the Holy Spirit spoke to her the name Ezekiel with means “God Strengthens!” He then said, “God will strengthen every family you encounter!” This was the birth of her Spiritual Health Coaching business, “Ezekiel Family Services!
Nikki received her undergraduate in Human Services Management at the University of Phoenix, a graduate degree in Human Services Counseling: Marriage and Family from Liberty University, Life Coach Certification from Life Coach Institute of Orange County, and Spirituotherapy Counselor Certification from Redeeming Life. Additionally, she has a vast amount of volunteer experience with the family unit. She has volunteered in ministry as an Overcomers Coach, Teen Minister, Deacon, Wives and Women small group leader, Children’s Church team leader, and as a Minister.
Nikki also works for the federal government as a Management Analyst. She has over 15 years supporting the federal government and private sector in organizational management, performance management, and administrative support. She is often called upon to provide “advice and instructions” regarding agency policy and program correspondence controversial issues. Her professional and personal experience is what motives her to take part in strengthening the family unit to build strong families. Her powerful, inspiring, and empowering, conversations; foster breakthroughs and transformation in the lives of the people she encounters.
As God’s servant, Nikki coaches' women who are stuck. Women are the STRENGTH of the family.
She helps women find areas they feel powerless or unproductive and guide them to experience breakthrough, freedom, transformation, power, and happiness. The focus of her coaching is “Be A POWERFUL YOU!” She will help you reach that powerful place! Give her a call today!